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Senior Housing Trust Managers Awarded £95k Compensation for Race Discrimination 

The case was about two black candidates that applied for an internal position. Neither of them were offered the positions following interview and the positions were re-advertised externally even though the two internal candidates had considerable leadership experience. Two white candidates were offered positions.


The Employment Tribunal found that the interviewer, Miss Purbrick took a view of the black candidates’ suitability for appointment based on her subjective view of who she thought would “fit in”, who she was “100% sure of”, and with whom she was “100% comfortable.” Miss Purbrick was the sole decision-maker, did not take adequate notes and based her decision on her subjective view of the black candidates.


The Employment Tribunal also stated that “basing recruitment decisions on subjective views, or gut feelings, increases the risk of stereotypes and unconscious bias coming into play”. 


Full details of the case is available on the Doughty Street Chambers website

Edge Training runs specialist training on ‘The Equality Act in Health and Social Care ' The next Event on 12 November 2024 . If you would like to enquire about commissioning us for this course, please email or call 07825 731139.


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