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Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Assessors, Consent and the Mental Capacity Act- A new course by Edge

Following the recent government announcement that the Liberty Protection Safeguards will no longer go ahead in 'this Parliament', it is unlikely they can now come into force before late 2025 at the earliest. It will ultimately be up to the next government to decide what to do. They could decide to amend LPS or not bring it into force at all.

What is clear, is that Integrated Care Boards will need to continue to make Community DoL applications to the Court of Protection. However, the basics of Mental Capacity Act practice amongst professionals, including CHC assessors can still be variable which poses a significant risk to the human rights of the person they assess. Poor quality assessments also present a professional risk to the ICB and to CHC assessors, themselves.

This new course from Edge aims to ensure that all relevant assessments completed by CHC assessors are compliant with the Mental Capacity Act. The course will cover consent and mental capacity in relation to the full assessment, data sharing, accommodation and care arrangements. Legally compliant best interests decisions and when to consider a deprivation of liberty court order will also be covered. All relevant case law and guidance will be included.

We also offer a separate course on COPDOL11 applications to the Court of Protection.

For full programmes, costs and to commission either or both of these courses for your ICB, please contact

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