Louize Collins
Louize Collins has worked in the field of mental health since 1986. She qualified as a social worker in 1989 and as an approved social worker (ASW) / approved mental health professional (AMHP) in 1994. She has worked in different roles in the mental health field throughout her career and has been teaching mental health professionals regularly since 1998. She has a Masters’ degree (LLM) in Mental health Law from the University of Northumbria. She is a registered social worker.
Louize works part time as a Mental Health Act (MHA) Reviewer with the Care Quality Commission (she worked for the predecessor body the Mental Health Act Commission) having been appointed in 2004. She reviews the care and treatment of detained inpatients as well as carrying out focused reviews of the assessment and admission pathway and community treatment orders (CTOs). She has expertise in forensic mental health care in secure settings, the use of seclusion and long term segregation, acute inpatient care and psychiatric intensive care units. She leads on the London assessment and admission focussed review programme and has a special interest in the assessment and admission of under 18s. She represents the CQC in the MHA reforms process. Louize is a mental health regional training lead for the London Mental Health Hospitals Team at CQC.
Louize has a wealth of training experience and she was one of the initial trainers recruited by Edge Training, at its inception in 2008. The task initially was to deliver conversion training to ASWs becoming AMHPs as a result of the MHA 2007 that amended the MHA 1983. She was one of several trainers offering ASW refresher training in London who came together to deliver the initial legal updates for Edge. Louize worked as the Law Tutor for Bournemouth University delivering the London AMHP programme for 20 years. Her signature course for Edge is ‘Improving AMHP report writing to withstand scrutiny and legal challenge’ which is based on her experience of legal challenge as an AMHP in the case of R (S) v Collins EWCA Civ 1349. She also facilitates legal update courses for AMHPs forming part of the annual mandatory training requirements. Louize also has experience of AMHP group supervision and consultancy work for the NHS.
What people say about Louize:
"Very practical , lots of anecdote which was excellent and relevant interactive. Met my learning needs and I thought Louise was a knowledgeable practitioner with obvious experience which was really useful to hear"
"Really useful and informative and will certainly help improve my practice as an AMHP. Really good to have this opportunity to be able to reflect on our practice, and its been usefuli in helping us to focus on our duties and responsibilities as an AMHP. Really enjoyed today and found it really valuable.
Thank you!"
"An absolutely fantastic trainer, who thoroughly understood the subject topic, presented at a level that met the needs of all attendees. I have learnt that the practice of allowing AMHP candidates to complete reports etc, which is what I did when on ASW training is not acceptable and will definitely ensure this is taken forwards."
"The training has been fantastic, Louize is very knowledgeable and engaging and feel that this has been beneficial to my practice moving forward. The content of the training was easily understood however has challenged my thinking and allowed me time to reflect on my practice to develop further as an AMHP."
"This course was excellent. I have never received any training on report writing for MHA assessments in the 10 years I have been qualified and it really helped me to consider what I should be adding and what I shouldn't"
"Currently on Pre-AMHP and this training gave me more insight into the role and the support networks available and access to information to AMHPs. Furthermore, I feel the discussions around the report writing are useful in all areas of my practice."