MCA for Occupational Therapists
Date, Time & Location
Dates to be confirmed shortly
via Zoom
About the Event
Please register your interest by emailing
This full-day course is aimed at specifically at Occupational Therapists and OT assistants. It aims to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of staff in applying the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) to everyday practice.
Learning outcomes On completion of this course participants will be able to:
• Understand the key parts of the MCA
• Explain how their working practices will be affected by the legislation
• Demonstrate how the Act will affect their clients / service users
• Illustrate how they will use different parts of the Act in their job role
• Capacity & consent
• MCA overview
• The statutory principles and how they apply to practice
• What does the Act mean by lack of capacity?
• Assessing capacity – When to assess? > Who does the assessment? > First steps
• What is relevant information for OT decisions?
• Assessment of capacity in detail – law & practice points
• Refusing a capacity assessment
• Recording capacity assessments
• Best interests – excluded decisions > best interests checklist > using the checklist
• Best interests & “available options”
• Disputes & when to involve the Court of Protection
• Restraint & deprivation of liberty
• Recording best interests decisions
• LPAs & Deputies
• Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment
The course will be delivered by Piers McNeil
Piers is an independent social worker with 18 years experience in a range of adult social care fields, including: learning disability, physical disability, and older persons mental health. Piers is also a qualified DoLS Best Interests Assessor & was previously a Court of Protection visitor. He was also previously employed as a local authority MCA/safeguarding lead. Piers has led practice forums for Best Interests Assessors and has designed and delivered training to a range of audiences.
Includes all course materials and a certificate. Course access details will be emailed direct to delegate(s) upon completion of your booking. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email or call 07341 277487.