Consent and the Mental Capacity Act for GPs, Practice and District Nurses
Date, Time & Location
Dates to be confirmed shortly
via Zoom
About the Event
Please register your interest by emailing assistant@edgetraining.org.uk
This half day course covers a whole range of significant medico legal topics important to GPs, practice and district nurses. The course will cover the importance of taking valid consent and best interests decision making for various issues such as medication, vaccinations (covid, flu etc), blood tests, insulin and personal examinations. The course will also discuss the legal requirements of a DNACPR and discuss how to lawfully make best interests decisions. A key focus of each part of the course will be how to ensure legally defensible record keeping. Free templates will also be provided as part of the course materials. Whilst the course is designed specifically for the clinical staff listed, others within ICBs or social care that would find this information helpful, are welcome to book.
- Overview of the Mental Capacity Act
- Consent and the interface with the Mental Capacity Act
- The statutory principles
- The functional mental capacity assessment
- The 'causative nexus'
- Best interests- practice and procedure
- Key decisions ie vaccinations, dressings, insulin
- Mental capacity and refusing treatment- protecting patients
- Legal DNACPR v Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment
- Covert Medication
- Brief overview- Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship
- Brief overview- Court of Protection & when to apply as a GP or ICB?
- Case Study to apply learning to practice.
The course will be delivered by Aasay Mughal
Aasya is a barrister and director of Edge Training & Consultancy Ltd. She was called to the Bar in 2003 and has provided legal representation for individuals and businesses in civil litigation cases and for patients in appeals against their detention under the Mental Health Act. Aasya also gained considerable experience as an in-patient advocate working with detained patients on a number of mental health wards and also appeared before the Court of Protection in this role.
Aasya has volunteered for the human rights organisation Liberty providing legal information and advice to the public on human rights law and also volunteers her time to deliver training to families on the Mental Capacity Act through Edge. Most recently, she has been providing guidance to charities and members of the House of Lords on the Liberty Protection Safeguards including the drafting of amendments to the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill (now Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019).
She is co-author of a smartphone App, three books and four wall charts on the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards used by local authorities, hospitals, advocacy groups, universities and lawyers. These books are highly reviewed on Amazon.
Includes all course materials and a certificate. Course access details will be emailed direct to delegate(s) upon completion of your booking. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email assistant@edgetraining.org.uk or call 07341 277487.