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Mental health

Listed below are a range of other courses we deliver on mental health. If you want more information on any course listed, please email: and we will send you the full course outline with further details including costings. All courses are tailored to the specific needs of the staff group or service commissioning it. If you don’t see the exact course you need, please email us as we deliver numerous other bespoke courses on mental health .

ASYE Programme - Key Issues in Mental Health

This course aims to give newly qualified social work increased knowledge and understanding of the key issues related to mental health. This one-day course will enable social work staff to better understand how mental health problems may present, how to respond, the impact on people and their families, services available and the likely interventions.

Hoarding and self-neglect: law and good practice

This practice-based course looks in depth at an issue that is commonly encountered by health practitioners and social workers and which has no easy answers. It reviews the relevance of the Mental Health and Mental Capacity Acts and the Care Act 2014, considers the involvement of environmental health, and discusses local issues.

Perinatal Mental Health: Saving Mothers Lives and Changing Outcomes

This training programme has been developed to better equip clinicians from all the organisations who are involved in the care of women during the perinatal period with the skills and knowledge to recognise, detect and treat perinatal mental health problems. The aim is to support practitioners in understanding risk in the perinatal period both for the mother, her infant and family. This is a powerful, thought provoking and emotive course with a strong emphasis on mothers and fathers lived experiences. Learning is also enhanced through serious case reviews, policy and research.

The Human Rights Act in Adult Health and Social Care

This course is designed to give adult health and social care practitioners an understanding of how to apply a human rights based approach to their work. It provides guidance around the HRA 1998 and relevant ECHR Articles and case law. How staff can evidence the application of a human rights based approach and the FREDA principles in their day to day work to examined.

Transforming care: Community legal frameworks for people with learning disabilities and/or autism

The Transforming Care initiative in learning disability services means community services need to consider the most appropriate legal frameworks for individuals. This one day course aims to enable health and social services staff understand the different legal options for people with a learning disability. In particular, it considers the options available under the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and inherent jurisdiction looking at the criteria, powers and limitations of each.

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