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Best Interests Assessors (BIAs)

BIAs & Human Rights (Half or Full Day)

Examines the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and explores key linked issues.

BIA Assessments for People Who Have Learning Disabilities

This course examines in expert detail the best approach a BIA can use when undertaking assessments for those with a learning disability.


BIA Legal Update and Refresher

An essential annual legal update including the latest case law, news and refreshers on key BIA topics.


BIA Report Writing

A detailed and practical course providing guidance on completing the DoLS paperwork. The course will focus on the body of DoLS case law in order to examine the key requirements for effective record keeping.


Court of Protection Skills for BIAs

An essential course enabling BIAs to feel more confident before entering the court room. Practical guidance on effective report writing and giving evidence before the Court of Protection, tailored to the BIA role. This course will be delivered by a lawyer.


DoLS, Guardianship and Community Treatment Orders

This course aims to consider and contrast each of these powers.


The Role of the Best Interests Assessor

A two day refresher on statutory duties and powers of the BIA.

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