Mental Capacity Act
Assessing Mental Capacity & Best Interests
A more advanced course for staff with prior knowledge of the Act. This course provides an in depth look at the relevant case law, process and skills for assessing capacity and best interests.
Please Note: Requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Assessing Mental Capacity to Consent to Sexual Relationships
This one day course aims to enable participants already familiar with the Mental Capacity Act to maximise their skills in assessing mental capacity for sexual relationships. This is a complex area which has links to many other areas of law. The course will provide an in-depth analysis of the case law and legal requirements on local authority staff. It will guide practitioners about the next steps that should be taken if they think a person lacks the mental capacity to consent to a sexual relationship to ensure vulnerable older people are adequately safeguarded.
Best Interests Meetings
A one day course to assist those chairing and attending best interests meetings to ensure they are meeting the statuary requirements of the Mental Capacity Act. The day will also include practical tips to increase confidence and ensure a methodical and legally compliant approach to these essential meetings.
Consent & the Mental Capacity Act for CCGs
A course specially designed for CCG staff such as GPs, surgeons, nurses and dentists to understand the role of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in the consent taking process. It will look at daily practical examples relevant to CCG staff and consider the way in which they can protect themselves and their patients whilst taking consent.
Hospices and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
This course considers the role of the Mental Capacity Act in a hospice setting. It looks at the key considerations for hospices including consenting patients, end of life planning such as advance decisions and the difficult area of Deprivation of Liberty.
Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Capacity Law (Half or Full Day)
A basic awareness course considering the key parts of the Mental Health Act 1983 and Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Learning Disability and Mental Capacity Case Law
A large volume of case law has emerged in relation to those that have a learning disability. This course provides an invaluable overview of the most important case law including topics such as medical treatment, restraint, deprivation of liberty, tenancy agreements and sexual relationships. Please Note: Requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Mental Capacity Awareness (Half or Full Day)
An introduction to the Act with consideration of its practical application for health and social care staff.
Mental Capacity Act & Acquired Brain Injury – full day
This one day course considers the challenges and issues involved in applying the Mental Capacity Act to people with an acquired brain injury.
Mental Capacity Act Legal Update
There is a substantial and growing body of case law on the Act and this course provides a means for key staff, who are not BIA assessors, to keep informed. Please Note: Requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Mental Capacity Act for Learning Disability colleges
This course will provide college staff with information and guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in the specific setting of learning disability colleges and educational providers.
Mental Capacity Act for Occupational Therapists
This course equips occupational therapists to assess mental capacity for decisions they make in every day practice. It will focus on practical record keeping and establishing when an OT is the ‘decision maker’. It will also explain how to ensure that restrictions they prescribe are legally authorised.
Mental Capacity Act: For Parents
This half day course gives family members, friends and those involved in a young person’s life an opportunity to consider the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005. This will include looking at the principles underpinning the MCA, how assessments are carried out and the important role family and friends play when supporting young people to be fully involved in making decisions.
Mental Capacity Act & Private and Family life.
This course covers the difficult and sensitive areas of contraception, sexual relations, marriage and contact with others. Detailed overview of the relevant case law in relation to capacity and (where relevant) best interests decision making in these areas. Please Note: Requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Mental Capacity Act & Mental Health Act Interface
Designed for mental health staff of all disciplines, this course examines the complex relationship between these two Acts. Please Note: requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Mental Health Act 1983.
Mental Capacity & Tenancy Agreements (Half or Full Day)
This course provides staff with a detailed overview of the law relating to the signing of tenancy agreements for those lacking mental capacity. It also includes practical guidance in relation to Attorneys, Deputies and bulk applications to the Court of Protection. Please Note: requires prior basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Mental Capacity Assessments for Housing & Homelessness Teams
Many local authorities struggle with the law concerning mental capacity for homelessness applications and the signing and ending of tenancy agreements. This can lead to tension between social work professionals and their housing colleagues.
This course will consider how staff should assess mental capacity in relation to these areas including the key case law so that all staff in a local authority are working according to the same legal standards. The course will also consider the legal validity of tenancy agreements signed by, or on behalf of, those lacking capacity; and when people lacking capacity may be placed without a tenancy agreement being in place.
Mental Capacity Act and Shared Lives
A one day course to provide Shared Lives’ staff with information and guidance on the Mental Capacity Act, including deprivation of liberty in community settings and to consider recent case law in relation to consent to treatment and the Act.
Police and the Mental Capacity Act
This course provides police forces with a practical session delivered to ensure it is accessible and useful to busy police officers. It highlights the court’s expectations of police officers and considers effective record keeping in relation to the Act.
Safeguarding Adults and the Mental Capacity Act (Half or Full Day)
This course looks at the areas of the Act that support safeguarding adults and considers recent applicable case law relevant to those that lack mental capacity. It also covers the Inherent Jurisdiction.
Sexual relations, contraception, marriage and restricting contact: Article 8 and the Mental Capacity Act
This course examines issues surroundings the Mental Capacity Act and Art 8 of the ECHR in relation to sexual relations, contraception, marriage, contact and other issues.
Young People and the Mental Capacity Act (16-17 year olds)
The impact of the Act on those working with children and young people is multi-faceted and this course pulls together essential statute, case law and guidance in this area.