FAQs from the OPG on Lasting Power of Attorney
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This helpful blog from the OPG provides answers to the most commonly asked questions they receive. Questions (and answers) include...
May 21
Sexual relations and the Mental Capacity Act and the CQC
The CQC has recently taken a former care home manager to court for failing to protect a resident from exposure to a significant risk of...
May 20
DoLS case law sheet - new edition
A new edition of our DoLS case law sheet (May) is now available. It is an essential resource for anyone involved in DoLS and provides...
May 13
Mental Health Act annual report
The annual report by the CQC on the Mental Health Act has recently been released. It summarises the key findings from 860 CQC visits to...
May 13
Best Interests and Finances: The Ombudsman Finds Fault with Council's actions
A council was found to be at fault due to their policy relating to best interests (under the Mental Capacity Act) and finances. Due to...
May 9
Financial abuse and the Mental Capacity Act
ITV Tonight has recently investigated financial abuse against elderly people. As part of this, the programme considers the protection...
May 2
Deprivation of Liberty
The Law Society has recently published an updated edition of its guidance on identifying a deprivation of liberty. It states: ‘...with...
May 1
Understanding the Mental Health Act & Mental Capacity Act interface
In its most recent annual report on the Mental Health Act, the Care Quality Commission has again stated its concern about the lack of...
Apr 29
Stopping the detention of people with a learning disability or autism
A national petition has been launched to raise awareness of the high number of people with learning disability or autism still detained...
Apr 25
FREE BIA Database for Practising BIAs
Why Join the Edge BIA Database? To help you connect with supervisory bodies in need of practising BIAs There is no membership fee or...
Apr 24
Are BIAs personally accountable for the content of their DoLS Form 3 reports?
Yes. We have had some questions recently during training courses about the professional responsibility of BIAs. The DoLS Code of Practice...
Apr 22
Ordinary Residence Guidance
The Local Government Association has a guide on Ordinary Residence. The guide is described as follows: This guide is aimed at supporting...
Apr 17
CCTV in care homes and the Mental Capacity Act
The CQC is regularly looking at the use of CCTV in care homes and finding problems in terms of evidence of residents' consent or...
Apr 17
ITV NEWS: Millions spent on keeping adults with learning disabilities locked up.
A special investigation by ITV news following a freedom of information request has found that that it’s costing more than half a billion...
Apr 17
‘Best guide to DoLS around’ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
With DoLS here to stay for several more years, practitioners need an up to date and comprehensive guide to help them understand the law...
Apr 17
The right to visit care homes
The CQC has recently published its final guidance for care homes, hospitals and hospices on the right to have visitors. A new law has...
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